Events in my own life and those of friends and family have reinforced in my mind the idea that God is in the process of preparing His "elect", his chosen people, to be ready to meet Him when he returns in the near future. (For those of you not familiar with Seventh-day Adventist teaching, this is what we call the doctrine of the Investigative or Pre-Advent Judgment).
The idea that God wants to cleanse His people before His return is found in many places in Scripture (the Day of Atonement-Leviticus 23; Cleansing the Sanctuary-Daniel 8; Robe of Righteousness-Zechariah 3; Isaiah 61:10; Ten Virgins-Matthew 25; Without Sin-Hebrews 9:26-28; Laodicea=Judgment-Revelation 3:14; Hour of Judgment-Revelation 14:7; Overcometh-Revelation 2,3,21; Close of Probation-Revelation 8:5 and 22:11). While many have focused on the "fear factor" of coming Judgment, whether before or at Christ's return, there is a positive message in this for us if we love His appearing (2 Timothy 4:8).
I had never noticed until my attention was drawn to it recently, that Malachi 2:17-3:5 is another Old Testament reference to God's effort to cleanse and prepare us for His return. I really like this passage as it clarifies several things that people have gotten confused.
The entire book of Malachi is a call of love from God, regarding the false accusations being made against Him, and His true witness about our state of affairs. I recommend you read the entire book in one sitting, to get an overview of what it's saying. It's a short book, so it shouldn't take long.
The passage in Malachi 2:17-3:5 (chapter divisions are arbitrary) discusses how God is accused of allowing wickedness to continue without punishment. He responds that His professed followers are not ready for Him to come back in judgment. However, He is a refiner of silver, and like laundry soap. He wants to clean up our lives so we will give a pure offering to Him. Then He can come back and deal with the problem of sin. Note that we are the Spiritual Sons of Levi mentioned in the chapter, since we are to be Kings and Priests unto God (Revelation 1:6, 5:10).
I don't have to be afraid of the pre-Advent judgment, except in the sense of "Fear God and give glory to Him". If I love and reverence God enough to let Him remove sin from me-- to let Him be laundry soap and a refining fire in my life-- I have nothing to fear from the Judgment. In Malachi 3:17, God promises that those who speak often of His name will be remembered in His book, and will be His jewels when he returns. That's good news to me and I hope to you too.
"When He cometh, When He cometh
To make up His jewels
All the pure ones, all the bright ones
His loved and His own
Like the stars of the morning
His bright crown adorning
They shall shine in their beauty
Bright gems for His crown"
"And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." (Daniel 12:3)
God bless in your life as he refines you for His soon return, and as you work to "turn many to righteousness".